Thursday, October 17, 2013

Class Articles: The Totemist Part 1


-Wolverine, X-Men

For our second class, we'll be looking at the Totemist. The Totemist is a Meldshaper class from Magic of Incarnum, meaning it was designed to rely on Incarnum mechanics; if you're not familiar with Incarnum, take a look at my introduction to the system if you haven't already:

Much like the Dragonfire Adept, the Totemist is a solid, powerful, interesting, but not broken class. In a lot of ways it's not the most flexible class—it's primarily designed to do melee damage—but unlike certain other melee classes the Totemist has a bunch more tricks up its sleeve, enough to keep things interesting and the class flexible.

Section 1: The class in a nutshell

The Totemist is primarily a melee damage-oriented class, in particular with Natural Weapons. Compared to the other Meldshaper classes (Incarnate, Soulborn), the Totemist has a unique Chakra—the Totem Chakra. If you want to play a character that claws your enemies' faces off but don't feel like playing a filthy hippie Druid, and also do some more stuff other than clawing people in the face, the Totemist is the class for you. If you'd like, you can also build the class as a skirmishing, fast-moving ranged fighter. It's not quite the easiest class to learn—Incarnum can take a minute or two to really wrap your mind around—but once you've gotten the hang of Incarnum the class is quite easy to play.

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