Thursday, October 17, 2013

Class Articles: The Totemist Part 7

Section 7: Conclusion

And that's that! There are a bunch more Soulmelds you can explore, both on the Totemist list and the Incarnate and Soulborn lists, each with their own unique and useful abilities. Furthermore, unlike the Dragonfire Adept from the previous Class Articles, the Totemist (and other Meldshaper classes) are pretty multiclass friendly; just take Totemist until you've got the Chakras and Essentia you want, then switch over to another class. Druids, for example, can mix well with Totemists; you keep your Soulmelds if you Wildshape into an animal, so you can turn into a giant bear and teleport all over the place, or turn into an eagle and breathe fire on everyone, or an elephant who claws people's faces off (they won't see that one coming, I assure you). Or mix Totemist Natural Weapons with the Warblade's maneuvers; the Tiger Claw school from the Tome of Battle explicitly says it mixes well with Natural Attacks. Do some experimenting, and figure out what you want out of the Totemist! The possibilities—as well as the broken, bloody bodies of your enemies—are endless.

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